IFC Global Logistics provides Supply Chain improvements for Mitre 10 Members
Mitre 10 has developed and implemented a complete end- to-end Chinese Consolidation program from China to Australia. IFC Global Logistics (IFC) is a supporting partner in providing infrastructure needs.
Since its introduction in 2012, this supply chain process improvement has demonstrated significant time, cost and control benefits to directly improve Mitre 10’s business.
With our partners, the consolidation program helps Mitre 10 and its members to:
- Monitor changes in supply and demand more effectively
- Reduce interstate distribution and logistics costs
- Reduce inventory stock carried
- Improve stock lead times
Overall, the system gives Mitre 10 and its members more flexibility with their purchasing so they can make better business decisions.
This logistics partnership streamlines the process of Mitre 10 and its members importing goods from China by:
- Consolidating cargo into full container loads to maximise load and ship via the most cost effective routes
- Assembling, completing and distributing documentation for export and import clearance prior to shipping reducing paperwork and creating a faster process
- Shipping the containers from its origin to destination ports in Australia with logistics in place to deliver goods direct to Mitre 10 stores.
Mitre 10 Direct Container Buy (DCB) Consolidation Program
These consolidations are made up from Multiple Vendor SKUs that have been delivered into the China CFS (Consolidated Freight Station). They are not generally palletised into the containers (except for chairs). These consolidations are always full container loads (20’, 40’ or 40’ HC) and are shipped directly from CFS to the Mitre 10 customer store in Australia.
Mitre 10 Forward Orders (FO) Consolidation Program
Goods arrive at the centralised Container Freight Station (CFS) as consolidated purchase orders (PO) from individual vendors. They are then broken down, picked, palletised and labelled into subset POs at the store level with full store name and destination address.
These order types usually range from 3 pallets up to 1 FCL for any particular store. This program is mostly a multi-store full container consolidation where the CFS consolidates a number of store POs into the one container for each Australian destination.